Are you a senior citizen struggling to find a part-time job to make ends meet, or do you want to earn a little extra spending money? The best part-time jobs for seniors in 2022 are working online from home.
Senior citizens have a lifetime of experience, skills, knowledge, and wisdom to share. As a result, they are the world’s most valuable resource for learning how to do things and sharing life’s experiences.

One of the best ways for seniors to share their knowledge is by creating their own online business to earn passive income. The only requirements needed are giving it time and effort and finding the right mentor. Most seniors know how to do the work needed to get a job done. They have the time needed to work on their passion and know that working consistently brings them many rewards.
Have you recently retired and found yourself without enough income to do the things that you want to do? Are you looking for creative things that you can do from home? Do you miss having a daily routine that keeps you moving forward and inspired to get up every morning?
I am a senior citizen, and I supplement my income by working online and creating websites about things I am passionate about. I share the knowledge, skills, and experience I gained over the years with the world. I spend time daily on writing, sharing, growing, and learning. The most important part for me is knowing that the work I do every day is helping other people learn new things to make a better future.
Age doesn’t matter when working online. Physical appearance doesn’t matter when working online. Speed doesn’t matter when working online. All that matters is that you are willing to give yourself a chance to try something new.
I had to learn some new skills. I did this by joining an online community that was able to mentor and teach me.

So….if I could create a website and share my knowledge online, you can too, no matter how old you are. Other members share many success stories in the WA community blog roll. Success starts small.
- Creating a website for the first time in your life
- Seeing your website listed in Google search
- Getting your first visitors
- Then getting your first earnings
We celebrate each step of the way. It is all about sharing what you have learned with others.
Each step of the way, I found the help that I needed. How to build a website. How to host the site. How to make income off the site. How to stay motivated. How to get unstuck when a problem occurs. Wealthy Affiliate University had everything I needed to start and continue learning every day.
If you are looking for something to supplement your social security income take a few minutes and apply at Wealthy Affiliate University to gain the skills and knowledge needed to set up your own business. They are now offering a free starter membership for life because the owners believe that everyone should have a chance to build a niche website and start earning an online income. Yes, the starter membership is free, and you can have two websites to test it out.
The Starter Membership is Free for Life
The starter membership allows you to get started with two free hosted websites that you can tinker with until you feel that this is something you can do. Take all the time that you need to experience working online.

If you have a lifetime of skills and knowledge to offer people but physical ailments keep you from working a regular part-time job, creating your own business online is your answer. With today’s modern technology, it is so simple to create content and create websites you’ll wonder why you haven’t done this before. All you need is to join a group of people working together – helping each other to succeed; that is what WA University is all about. So take your time and study the WA website. See what other people are saying. Ask a question in the chat; someone will be there to answer. It is a mastermind group helping each other to succeed.
Benefits of developing your own online business:
- Work from home.
- Keep your mind active.
- Help others by sharing your knowledge.
- Supplement your retirement income.
- Learn to use modern technology.
- Work whenever you can, as little or as much as you like.
If you spent the last 30 – 40 years commuting to work, it is time to sit back in your easy chair. Develop your own online business with the knowledge and skills acquired over your lifetime and enjoy the extra income during your retirement.
Try it today. See what others do to create a better life for themselves and their families. Looking forward to helping you reach your goals.
Below is a video made by a member of WA who is in his eighties. He keeps active online and offline. You are never too old to learn something new and share it with the world.
If you think you are too old to learn these new skills, you are not.