If you are over 65 and need a rollator walker, here is how to get one. Medicare will cover the cost of a walker if they can determine that it is reasonable and necessary for your health needs. If you have been diagnosed with mobility impairments or physical limitations from an illness or injury, then walking with assistance may be recommended by your doctor.
In this blog post, we’ll tell you what conditions qualify for coverage, how to apply for Medicare coverage for a rollator walker, and where to purchase it.
Do You Qualify for a Rollator / Walker?
First, check with your doctor to see if they recommend you need a walker and are willing to certify that in writing. Your physician should also know which type of walker would be best for you based on the severity of mobility impairment or physical limitations as well as any other medical conditions.
Review Your Supplemental Insurance Benefits
Check your Medicare coverage to see which walkers are covered and what is not. Review your Medicare and supplement insurance coverage to see what is covered and whether or not you’ll need to pay out of pocket for the rollator walker.
For coverage, a doctor’s note/subscription certifying mobility impairment is required – any physical limitations that may impact your ability to function independently must also be noted in this letter.
Do You Need a Walker?
If you want to know what a rollator can do for you, keep reading! You’ll find out all about its benefits and limitations so you can make an informed decision before purchasing one. We hope our information helps!
Rollator walkers provide physical support and relief to those with weakened or impaired balance by assisting them in standing up from a sitting position. They are also perfect for individuals who have arthritis, hip pain, foot problems (e.g., ulcers), back pain, broken bones, and painful fractures of the leg.
A rollator walker is a mobility aid used as an alternative to a wheelchair or cane. It’s designed for people with difficulty walking due to age, injury, illness, or disability. It can also be used by the elderly and disabled to help them maintain their independence. The device consists of two wheels and four legs with handles at the top for pushing it forward. Rollators are also known as “rolling walkers.”
They’re driven by rolling them along on their wheels rather than lifting them from the ground like traditional walkers. They come in different sizes depending on your height and weight, so there’s one out there just right for you!
Benefits of Using a Rollator Walker

The main benefits are mobility, stability, and independence; general disadvantages include the need to keep one hand on the handle when in use which can
be less than convenient for someone who is carrying something or using their hands for other reasons at the time.
Even if your doctor doesn’t sign a subscription, a rollator walker will make a big difference in your day-to-day activities.
- Pros of using a rollator include using both hands while walking, having more stability when sitting down and standing up.
- Not having to worry about tripping over uneven surfaces like stairs or curbs.
- They do not need help getting up from chairs or benches since they don’t tip back easily.
- Being able to sit down without assistance if needed (although some models do require someone else’s help)
- Getting into cars without assistance if necessary (again, this depends on the model).
Cons :
- They are at a higher cost than other mobility aids, such as canes.
- Potential difficulties are navigating tight spaces such as doorways.
- Potential issues with the maneuver.
Choosing the Best Rollator Walker
Rollator walkers come in all sizes and styles and must be carefully selected to ensure safety and comfort. Before purchasing, compare the types and prices of different brands and models in medical supply stores or online retailers such as Amazon.
There are different styles of rollator walkers to choose from: The lightweight foldable rollators with a seat, which cost around $130 – this style is the most popular, and it’s easy for someone weak on one side or an older person to push themselves up as they’re sitting down.
The main features of Rollators are push handles at arm height, so they do not need to bend down as much when using this type of chair.
Where to Purchase Rollator Walkers
When buying online, read reviews of the seller and return policies—purchasing from an authorized retailer who will provide customer service after purchase is highly recommended, as a warranty on all parts.
It is important not to buy from an unknown company or website that doesn’t have reviews because there’s no guarantee of quality or authenticity.
Price tags on walkers range from $50 to over a thousand dollars. A standard, the all-purpose walker will cost between $150 and $250. The more expensive models have four legs and are designed for people with arthritic issues or who need extra stability because of balance problems.
Try not to buy from an unknown company or website that doesn’t have reviews, as there’s no guarantee of quality or authenticity. Likely, the best place to buy a walker is at an established medical supplier or from your local department store.
Safety tips for using your new device read the manual and follow the instructions for use; always keep your hands on the handles when you are using it, and never leave a person alone while they’re sitting with one.
A rollator walker is just what someone needs who have mobility issues that make walking difficult in general or need to get around without assistance from others.
There are safety tips, too: read the manual and follow all directions; only let go of handlebars when seated; never place anyone near one unattended.
Video: Bob & Brad Demonstrate a Walker & Transport Chair in One
Replace Old, Worn Out Walkers
Worn-out rollators will become unstable because of rusting joints and loosening parts; if this happens, it is time for a new walker. Medicare will cover replacement walkers every five years.
Donate your old walker to a place that will refurbish it for others.
Know the difference between a rollator walker and a cane
Cane: traditionally used by people who have trouble walking. A cane can be pushed into the ground to provide extra support, or it can just be carried in hand like a staff.
Rollator Walker: walker with wheels that is good for those whose mobility isn’t quite what it once was and who want something more stable than a cane but aren’t ready to give up on being able to go places independently yet (The rollator will help them get there).
After Purchase: How to Adjust and Maintain a Rollator Walker
- Read the manual and learn how to properly adjust and maintain a rollator walker.
- The following are some general tips for adjustments:
- Loosen the tension knob near the handlebars to make it easier to push; tighten it up when in use so that there’s less movement of handles from side to side.
- Adjust the height of the handlebars. Ask your doctor or therapist how to adjust the height of your walker.
- Frequently check the tightness of all the nuts and bolts.
- Use only mild soap or detergent when cleaning.
- Avoid using abrasive cleaners as they could scratch metal parts like wheels.
- Dry thoroughly with a towel before storage if water has seeped into places where it shouldn’t be. –
- Check brakes all the nuts and bolts are tight and that the seat height is correct.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a rollator walker?
A rollator walker is a device that helps the user move about by themselves.
How do I know if I need a rollator walker?
You need a rollator walker if you have difficulty walking due to a disability or an injury and cannot use other mobility devices.
Why are some models more expensive than others?
Some models are more expensive because of the added features, such as usability on rough terrain, folding up, or weight capacity.
How do I get a Medicare rollator walker?
Computers provide seniors a valuable resource for learning about their Medicare benefits and making the most of their coverage. Ask your doctor for a prescription for a rollator walker, and then visit your local medical equipment store that accepts Medicare.
Where can I buy a rollator walker?
You can purchase a rollator walker from your local medical equipment store or have one delivered to your home. Amazon has many choices available.
How much does a rollator walker cost?
The cost of a rollator walker depends on the model, with prices ranging anywhere from $150 to $750.
Can you use a rollator in the rain, snow, or uneven surfaces like grass and gravel paths?
Read the manual to determine if any rollator features are water- or snow-resistant.
How do I clean a Medicare rollator walker?
Follow the user’s guide for cleaning and care.
Do they come in different colors or sizes?
Rollator walkers come in different colors and are available in various sizes. Some models are for heavier people, and others are lightweight.
Do you have any tips on using a rollator walker safely and effectively?
- To use a rollator walker safely, be sure to:
- Take time to get used to it before you start walking with it.
- Check that there is enough room before you to move without running into anything.
- Stop if necessary and ask others nearby about their moving intentions.
- Stop before taking significant steps, like over thresholds and curbs, and concentrate on your actions.
What are the best accessories for your walker or rollator?
You can make any walker or rollator even more functional and versatile with simple accessories, including cup holders, bags, baskets, decorative covers, and more.