Many people consider their grandparents the most special people in their lives. So, when planning a birthday gift or celebrating at their party, you want to make sure you choose the right message for the greeting card. Because Grandmas and Grandpas are unique, we put together this list of 100 Happy Birthday Sayings for Grandma and Grandpa.
Let your Grandparents know how much you care by finding one (or more) of these birthday messages to fit their life, personality, and situation.
Top 100 Happy Birthday Sayings for Grandma and Grandpa
1. Happy Birthday, Grandpa! May all your wishes come true, and may you enjoy your special day to the fullest.
2. Hey there, Grandma! Another year on this earth is in the record books. So let’s celebrate your birthday today with all of our family!
3. Today, we’re celebrating another year in the life of someone extraordinary—You! You’ve genuinely impacted the world around you, and we wish you a fantastic birthday.
4. Grandma, It’s Your Birthday! Let’s celebrate with cake and ice cream. You can invite all of your favorite people or keep it a secret from them if they’re coming to dinner tonight!
5. Happy Birthday, Grandpa! You may be getting older, but you’re never too old to enjoy a day at the zoo with all your favorite people.
6. Hey Grandma! You don’t look a day over 75—no wait…76!! We love you and are so glad to spend this special day together.
Happy Birthday Sayings for Grandma and Grandpa
7. Hey Grandma! We hope your Birthday is full of everything you love—cake, family, friends, and all the presents you can open.
8. Happy Birthday to the most special grandma in the world! We’re honored to be sharing this day with you.
9. Today is your wonderful day! Our family celebrates the day you were born, and we couldn’t be happier.
10. Hey Grandma! You’re a special lady, and today it’s time to shine. Add glitter to your birthday cupcakes because you deserve it!

11. Today is your day—the day to celebrate everything you’ve given us. We love you, wish you a wonderful day, and hope to see you soon!
12. Happy Birthday, Grandma! This year is all about you, so go ahead and have the best Birthday ever—just for being so awesome.
13. Today marks another great year of life for someone incredibly special to me. I can’t wait for this day and all the memories we get to make together.
14. Grandma, you’re an inspiration to everyone around you! You’ve given us so much, and we look forward to spending your Birthday with you.
15. Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Grandpa! This year you get to do all the fun stuff that Grandpas get to do on their birthdays.
16. Today is your Birthday, so let’s celebrate. May this year be full of joy and laughter because you deserve nothing less than happiness for however long you choose to stick around.
17. Happy Birthday, Grandma! May you have a fantastic day filled with the people and things you love.
18. Happy Birthday to someone who makes my world a better place! You’re an inspiration to everyone around you, and we look forward to spending your Birthday together.
19. You mean more to me than words can say—and today is all about celebrating that fact! Happy Birthday from your favorite person in the whole wide world!!!
20. Hey Folks, It’s time for cake and ice cream because it’s Grandma’s Birthday! We hope you enjoy every bit of this special day because we sure will.

21. You are an incredible person, for no one else illuminates my life with such love and warmth! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!
22. Hey, it’s your Birthday, so you get to have ice cream for breakfast! Then we can celebrate the rest of the day with cake and all of our friends.
23. No matter what happened today or how many candles are on that cake, you’re always going to be my favorite grandma.
24. Some days call for a party—and this is one of them! Today is your day, and we hope you enjoy every bit of it because you deserve a fantastic celebration.
25. Happy Birthday, Grandma! Cake and ice cream for breakfast? Why not? You can do whatever you want when it’s your Birthday!
26. Today, we celebrate you and all of the unique things that make you – well, you. We love you and wish for a fantastic birthday filled with memories and love.
Happy Birthday Sayings for Grandma and Grandpa
27. Here’s to celebrating another year spent doing all the fantastic things that our grandma does every day! You’re lovely, and we can’t wait to spend your Birthday with you.
28. Happy Birthday, Grandma! What a great year it has been, and we hope it continues being just as fabulous as ever!
29. Your Birthday will be full of cake, ice cream, presents, family, friends, and all of the festivities two octogenarians can handle.
30. Happy Birthday, Grandma! You’re a special lady who deserves to be pampered every single day of the year, but today it’s time to shine. Enjoy your special day because you deserve nothing less than joy for all of the things you’ve given us over the years.

31. Today is your day, grandma—so go ahead and have an amazing one! We look forward to celebrating with you, especially if presents are involved!
32. Let’s celebrate another trip around the sun filled with all kinds of fun surprises that come along with getting older, like wrinkles and aches in joints.
33. Grandma, today is your day to feel unique and meaningful. You should feel like the most important grandma in the world!
34. Happy Birthday, Grandma! We hope that all of your dreams and wishes come true today and for many days after.
35. There’s never a wrong time to celebrate how wonderful our grandfather is, and we can’t wait to spend his birthday with him this year because he deserves nothing but joy on this occasion!
Happy Birthday Sayings for Grandma and Grandpa
36. Today is Grandpa’s big day! Let’s have cake for breakfast, then head out into the forest so he can hunt some more animals that will provide us with tasty dinners throughout the year.
37. Today will be a great day because it starts with cake and ice cream to celebrate Grandma’s Birthday! We can’t wait to see what kind of a year this will be.
38. What better way is there to celebrate another year of the most wonderful grandma in the world than by eating cake for breakfast?!
39. May you have a fantastic day filled with everything that makes you happy, and may your special day happen precisely how you want it! Happy Birthday, Grandma!

40. How do we love thee? Let us count the ways—and then eat cake after dinner because today’s your Birthday!!!
41. Hey guys, let’s gather around and give grandma a card! Then we can go outside and play all day because Grandma makes the best out of every occasion, and we want to celebrate this one just like she would.
42. Today is a special day—let’s make it even more special by learning from our grandmother how to make her famous pancakes for breakfast!
43. Happy Birthday, Grandma! Let’s start your Birthday with a family picnic! You deserve as many outings as possible because you’re always there for us whenever we need you.
44. Grandmas are great at everything, but they’re especially great at making cakes delicious enough that people will eat them for breakfast without question or hesitation. Happy Birthday, Grandma!
45. Happy Birthday, Grandpa! Today is your day to eat cake for breakfast, read books before it’s time to sleep, and have all the fun you possibly can because it’s your Birthday!
Celebrate Grandma & Grandpa’s Birthdays
46. We hope this year turns out to be as wonderful as you are, and we want you to know that we appreciate everything you do. You’re the best grandma in the world, and we love you more than anything!
47. You deserve a special day at every possible opportunity—so let’s make today extra special by spending some time getting crafty together as we used to when we were kids!
48. Our world is better with grandparents because they bring joy into our lives! We hope you have a fantastic birthday, Grandma.
49. Life is better with grandparents in it, and we are so glad that our grandma is part of our lives because she always brings happiness wherever she goes. Happy Birthday to the best grandmother around!!!
50. Grandma’s deserve the world because they’re just that incredible—and today is your day to get what you want out of life! You’ve earned all of our respect over the years, so let’s give you a birthday party to remember for many years to come!
51. Happy Birthday, Grandma! Let’s spend some time making this year extra special by learning about everything there is to know about being a happy yet healthy person together.
52. No one deserves a better day than a grandma who has done so much for everyone around them, and we hope that this year is the best you’ve ever had because it’s your special day!
53. We have so many great memories from spending time with you as kids—now let’s make some new ones as adults! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!
54. Happy Birthday to the second-most wonderful grandmother in the world! We couldn’t do any of what we do without you, and that’s why we’re going to celebrate your special day together all night long!!!
55. Today will be a great day because it starts with cake and ice cream, and it ends with a happy birthday to the best grandma there is!
56. Grandma’s are unique because they make every day exciting and fun, and today should be no different! So we hope you have a wonderful day filled with plenty of cake and ice cream—and lots of love from your favorite people in the world!

57. When we were younger, we loved celebrating our birthdays together at once. Now that we’re older, let’s celebrate yours one day early so that we can share this fantastic celebration with Grandpa as well!
58. We cannot think of anyone better to spend our time with than our grandparents because they’ve been so good to us over the years—so let’s get out of the house and explore together today!
59. We’re lucky to have such a special grandma—and we want to make sure that she knows how much she means to us. Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!
60. Grandma’s are unlike anyone else in the world because they always give out love unconditionally without expecting anything in return. That’s why we won’t stop celebrating your Birthday until you tell us otherwise!
61. Grandmas like you deserve all the happiness in the world, but most importantly, today is your day to feel extra special because it’s YOUR day!! We hope this year brings you everything you’ve ever wanted and more!
62. It takes an extraordinary person to be a grandma, and we hope that you know that you’re the best one in the whole wide world!!!
63. We love grandma’s because they care for us no matter what we say or do—and we want to show our appreciation by celebrating your special day with lots of cake and presents!
Happy Birthday Sayings for Grandma and Grandpa
64. Happy Birthday to the grandma who is always there when we need her most! You deserve all of the happiness and more, so let’s get out of bed and start this celebration early together before it gets away from us!
65. We don’t ever want you to think that you’re not appreciated because you are—so let’s spend today making sure that you know how much joy your presence brings to our lives!!!
66. Every day with you is better than the last, but today will be even more special because it’s your Birthday!! Have a wonderful one!
67. Grandma’s like you are undoubtedly hard to come by these days, and that’s why we want to make sure that your Birthday truly shines in everyone’s minds forever!! We hope you have the best day ever because it deserves nothing less!
68. You’re not just an amazing grandma—you’re also an amazing mommy to Mommy, and that’s something that deserves recognition every year (and always)! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!
69. Grandma, anytime someone asks me what makes today so special, I can say without hesitation that it’s your presence in my life that matters most! So thank you for always being there for me and doing everything possible to make sure that I’m happy and smiling—it’s one of the many things that makes you so fantastic, Grandma!!!

70. Happy Birthday to an amazing grandma who has given us so much laughter and joy throughout the years! Today will be fantastic because it starts with cake and presents and ends with love that will last forever!!!
71. Grandma’s like you deserve all of the happiness in the world—and we’re happy to spend your special day celebrating you!!! Have a great one!
72. You deserve a perfect day because it’s your Birthday, and that’s why we’re going to celebrate more than any Grandma has ever observed before!! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!
73. Grandmas like you are one in a million, and that’s why we know that there isn’t anyone better to spend our time with today! So let’s go out for a fantastic dinner to celebrate your special day—and get ready for cake when we get home because it’s your Birthday!!
74. You’re the best grandma in the whole wide world, but don’t take our word for it! Today will be a wonderful celebration filled with love from all of us!!! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!
75. We want you to have a happy birthday because you’ve been so good to Mommy and Daddy over the years that only a celebration would do—so let’s do it up right with cake and presents like we know you want!
76. You’re all that we ever wanted in a grandma because you always do everything for us, and we can’t wait to celebrate your birthday by doing something extra special for you!!!
77. We hope that today is the most beautiful day of your entire life—and it’s not just because it’s your Birthday!! It’s also because Mommy and Daddy are celebrating with you, making this day even more special than it already was!
78. Grandma deserves to have her cake and eat it too on her special day, so let’s have a party until our hearts are content together!!! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!
79. Birthday parties aren’t only for kids because we want to help make this one extra special for you—and we hope that makes you feel like a kid again too!!

80. Today will be the best day of your life (that’s what mommy and daddy keep telling us anyway) so let’s have some cake, open up presents, and spend the rest of our time together enjoying ourselves!!! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!
81. You’re not just the best grandma in the whole wide world—you’re also my friend! And if I’m your friend, then it means that you’re my favorite person in the real wide world too because friends are supposed to love each other best! So enjoy your special day today, grandma!!!
82. It’s Your Birthday, which means it’s time to celebrate with cake, presents, and everything else you love.
83. You make every day special because you’re the best grandma in the whole world—and there isn’t anyone else who could measure up! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!
84. Grandmas like you are rare gems hidden away between dust bunnies and old photo albums that bring us so much happiness when they are near! Thank goodness for technology that allows us to have an extra special day with you today by showcasing just how wonderful of a person you are!!! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!
Enjoy Your Birthday
85. We can’t wait to spend your Birthday with you because we know you’re going to make it a day that we’ll never forget! You deserve something extra special because you always do everything for us, and today is no different.
86. I hope everyone who wishes you a happy birthday knows just how wonderful of a person you are because I sure do! Happy Birthday, Grandpa!!!
87. Let’s party like it’s your Birthday because this will be the biggest celebration yet!! We love you so much, Grandma, so let’s get down to business and have some cake!!!
88. Today is notable because today is your Birthday and because you’re an indispensable part of my life! So let’s go out for dinner, open up your presents, and then come home to eat cake until we have no room left in our bellies!

89. Being a grandma is the best because you always get to celebrate your Birthday with all of us! So let’s go out for cake and then come back home to open our presents!!! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!
90. I love that we get to spend your Birthday together because I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my grandma but you—and I know that’s exactly how everyone else feels too! You deserve something special, so let’s get down to business and party until our heart’s content!
91. It doesn’t matter what day it is today because every day spent with you feels like a special occasion!! So we should celebrate this moment by going out for dinner, opening up our presents, and eating cake all night long!!!
92. A cake isn’t needed to make this day extra special because all I need is my grandma to make today one of the best days ever! Let’s celebrate by going out for dinner, opening up presents, and then coming home to watch a movie together until we fall asleep on each other!!!
93. I hope everyone who wishes you a happy birthday knows just how wonderful of a person you are because today is your day—, and I want everything about it to be perfect!! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!!
94. It’s Your Birthday, which means that it’s time to celebrate as much as humanly possible! Let’s start by going out for a special dinner and then coming home to open presents and have cake!!!
95. Today is going to be the best day of your life, so let’s get started and begin with opening up presents and eating cake until we can’t breathe anymore!! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!
96. You always make every day feel like my Birthday because you go out of your way to show me how much I matter—even when it isn’t my special day. That’s why today is extra special, grandma, because not only is it your Birthday but also because you’re just the absolute best even on the days that aren’t your Birthday!
97. One of these days, you’re going to get tired of celebrating our birthdays together because I’ll be around until you’re 100—and even then, I might find a way to keep the party going. Let’s go out for dinner tonight and then come back home to open presents and watch TV like we always do on special occasions like this!
98. Today is the best day ever because it is your Birthday and because you’re such a wonderful person—even though you don’t see it. So let’s go out for dinner and then come home to open presents and eat cake all evening long!!!

99. I hope everyone who wishes you a happy birthday has as wonderful an experience celebrating your Birthday as I am because it sure beats every other Birthday that I spend without you!! You’re truly one of a kind, so let’s enjoy your special day with lots and lots of cake!!! Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!!
100. Grandma, I’m so excited about spending today celebrating your Birthday because few people in this world are as kind and caring as you!!! So let’s go out for dinner, come home to open presents, and then eat cake until we pass out from joy!!
101. I wish this day could start over and over again because celebrating your Birthday with you is one of the best things about having a birthday in general! So let’s go out for dinner, open up your presents, and then head home to watch TV together until we fall asleep sitting up!!!
102. Birthdays might be special days even when they aren’t our birthdays but spending yours with you makes everything extra special!! And just so you know, I’m taking full advantage of every single minute that we share today because no one else will be around to celebrate your Birthday with you—and that’s a fact.
103. Sometimes, I wish it could be my Birthday every day because nothing beats celebrating our birthdays together! So let’s go out for dinner and then come home to open presents and eat cake until we pass out from joy!!
104. I want this to be the best Birthday ever, not only because it is your Birthday but also because you’re such a fantastic person and deserve nothing less than perfection on this special day of yours!
105. There aren’t many people in this world who can make me smile more than you do, but that is what makes today so wonderful—spending your Birthday with someone that brings out the most happiness inside of me! So let’s go out for dinner, come home to open presents, and then watch TV together all evening long!!!
Happy Birthday, Grandma and Grandpa
Birthdays are unique every day of the year, but June 10 happens to be one of those days that almost everyone takes some time out of their busy schedules to celebrate their grandmothers. So if you’re looking for something special that you can send to your grandma or even your mom on her Birthday, then these birthday messages for mother’s day will give you more than enough inspiration!!
And if this is also your grandmother’s Birthday today, I hope she has a fantastic day filled with lots and lots of presents and cake because she deserves nothing less. Let me know what makes this Birthday so unique in the comments below! I would love to hear from you!